My Website
Go here for an up-to-date portfolio. Important tip: you can pay me money to do animation and rigging for you!
Notional Pipe
A company I formed with Tagore Smith and Brian Kendall. The home of Contour Rig Tools and, eventually, the ephemeral system.
Open Pixel Studios
A motion graphics, animation, and explainer video studio opened by part of the team from Anzovin Studio, my old company.
Bit Films
Frequent collaborator Chris Perry's company. Hopefully you'll see more from us in the future!
Cult of Rig
If you want to understand how rigging works on a fundamental level you need to be watching Cult of Rig. A whole lot of the way I use callbacks to implement the ephemeral rig concept comes right from Raffaele Fragapane's work.
Having multiple Rigging Raf(f)s has resulted in some confusion. As a general rule, if you don't know which one of us you're talking to, count the fs.
Rigging Dojo
if you want to learn how to rig, you should learn it from people who actually know. These people do!